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Veritas Volume Manager Overview

Veritas Volume Manager divides disks into disk groups and partitions these groups as desired. There is a nice GUI which helps alot. You can even pull up a command window to see what the gui is running. The newest version of the gui is vmsa.


General Commands:

  • Veritas Volume Manager licenses info:
    • /usr/sbin/vxlicense -p
  • What volume groups:
    • vxdg list
  • Import volume group (see details on cluster debugging)
    • vxdg import oradg
  • Specific voulme group info:
    • vxprint -ht
  • What is veritas doing (if running another command and it is hanging)
    • vxtask list


An excellent reference book for Veritas Clusters is: 

Shared Data Clusters: Scaleable, Manageable, and Highly Available Systems (VERITAS Series) - this will provide you with the background knowledge of how clusters work, how to get the best performance from your cluster, and more.