Search Engine Tips
For the purpose of these tips a search engine is something like google. It scans the web for sites to include in its index. It will follow links and find new sites all on its own. A directory (such as Yahoo) includes sites one at a time, with a human being looking at each site.
You can learn a lot about different types of search engines at Search Engine Watch.
On key words... A keyword is simply a phrase someone searches on. So if I want to build a helpful unix site then my primary keyword might be unix tutorials.
- Put your keyword/key phrase in the title tag of your page. It can be the only thing there, or you can make a complete sentence out of it. The title is also what appears in your bookmarks list. So a good title will help people remember you when they bookmark your site.
- Google doesn't care what you put in the description tag, but other engines do. Put in a sentence which tells the viewer why the heck they should visit your site. What's in it for them?
- Google doesn't care about what's in your keywords tag, but the other engines might. Put in a few words and phrases appropriate to your page. Include common mis-spellings.
- Your primary keyword/phrase should appear in the headline at the top of your page.
- Skip the graphics and banners. Write a page that's cool and interesting and is appropriate to your keywords. So if your keyword is cell phones write a cool, informative page about cell phones.
- Skip the java, javascript, heavy graphics, etc.
- Links to your page, either from your other pages or from other sites, should contain your keyword.
- Any graphics should have keywords in the alt tag. This will help describe the image.
- Links from your page should also contain your keywords.
Don't use your keywords too many times on a page. How do you tell? If it starts to read badly, then you've used it too much.
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