All tutorials are free unless otherwise noted.
Normal Unix User
Very Simple Unix Commands
- VERY basic UNIX tutorial - This guide is Intended for people with pretty much zero knowledge of Unix.
- Webteacher Beginning Tutorial - This is a CGI tutorial. They say: This tutorial will walk you through the basics of creating CGIs with Perl on a Unix platform. Unlike other tutorials I've read, this does not assume you know anything about CGIs, Perl, or Unix.
- Intro to UNIX - This is an old page, but will get you started with Unix.
- A nice Unix tutorial for beginners
- UNIXhelp for Users - Starts with very basic stuff and moves on to more detailed topics.
- Web Reference UNIX Tutorial - This is a Fourteen section tutorial, each of which addresses a fundamental aspect of UNIX computing.
- A Comprehensive Guide to FreeBSD - They say this is: An Absolute Beginners Guide to FreeBSD. This section gives an overview of what FreeBSD is, and how to utilize resources for obtaining more information about FreeBSD.
- Amazon books on Unix, on Linux
Unix System Administrator
Unix System Security - This is a several part overview of how to secure your Unix system.
- Tutorials on various utilities Unix System Administrators use - This is the DreeBSD documentation page. You will be able to find a great deal of information here.
- USAIL Unix System Administration Independent Learning - They say: The USAIL project is both an independent study course for prospective system administrators and a reference resource.
- Tutorials on Solaris/SunOS Modems and Terminals also UNIX Sysadmin Resources
Samba Administrator's Handbook Getting Samba to work is challenging -- this book helps.
Amazon Books for Unix System Administration
Amazon Books for Linux System Administration
Other Tutorial Lists
Unix training - Articles on getting training, online degress, and related topics.
On Unixtools:
Perl, CGI, C, C++ tutorials
This page is a short list of links to various programming and scripting tutorials.
Basic HTML Tutorials
As you know HTML is the language of the world wide web. This article goes into a bit of background of HTML and includes links to tutorials.
Basic Intro to Javascript
Perhaps the most important and widely used non-static programming language is Javascript.
Java tutorials
Java was originated by a farmer in the middle east who needed to stay awake. It later merged with a big company to come up with Java Soap... Well, maybe not.
SQL Tutorials
A brief list of links to SQL tutorials and help
Boot Linux from CD
You can get the free Linux OS (operating system) running on a computer system by booting Linux from a Linux installation CD (or DVD) and installing Linux. And you can also run Linux by booting a system from a Linux live CD / DVD.