Basic HTML Tutorials

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As you know HTML is the language of the world wide web. This article goes into a bit of background of HTML, but is not a tutorial. For the links to various HTML tutorials scroll down.

HTML Tutorial Links | HTML Books

HTML - The Language Of The Virtual World  

by Kip Goldhammer

HTML is the programming language that has been instrumental in bringing about this revolution called the 'Internet'. 'HTML' fascinates a lot of people. There are people who want to learn HTML in order to try their hands at developing a website on their own.

For the website designers and developers, HTML is their bread and butter. They use HTML to bring websites to life. This community of programmers and developers is also in constant search of new HTML techniques that will enhance their skills further.

The use of HTML can be judged by the fact that thousands of websites are launched everyday on the internet (and all websites use HTML in some way.)

Another gauge of the popularity of HTML is the fact that there are several books on HTML available in the market and there are several websites that discuss and teach HTML.

For example, is a website that brings together all the resources and information on HTML. In fact, this website really justifies its name "HTML code pulse".

In computing, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language designed for the creation of web pages with hypertext and other information to be displayed in a web browser. HTML is used to structure information -- denoting certain text as headings, paragraphs, lists and so on -- and can be used to describe, to some degree, the appearance and semantics of a document. HTML's grammar structure is the HTML DTD that was created using SGML syntax.

[Markup refers to inserting codes into text to define bold, italics, links, and so on. DTD refers to Document Type Definition. This is the standard structure for HTML. The formal definition is here. SGML is an earlier system for marking up pages and more information on SGML is here.-UT]

Originally defined by Tim Berners-Lee and further developed by the IETF, HTML is now an international standard (ISO/IEC 15445:2000). Later HTML specifications are maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Early versions of HTML were defined with looser syntactic rules which helped its adoption by those unfamiliar with web publishing. Web browsers commonly made assumptions about intent and proceeded with rendering of the page. Over time, the trend in the official standards has been to create an increasingly strict language syntax; however, browsers still continue to render pages that are far from valid HTML.

[All browsers are supposed to run the standard HTML definitions, but a number of extensions have been developed that only run in Internet Explorer and a few that only run in FireFox. A page that differs from the standard HTML might appear slighly or greatly different when viewed with different browsers. -UT]

XHTML, which applies the stricter rules of XML to HTML to make it easier to process and maintain, is the W3C's successor to HTML. As such, many consider XHTML to be the "current version" of HTML, but it is a separate, parallel standard; the W3C continues to recommend the use of either XHTML 1.1, XHTML 1.0, or HTML 4.01 for web publishing.

[Keep in mind that the recommended standard does not include the huge number of extensions that have been developed. While browsers will keep up with the standards they also have to keep up with Microsoft. -UT]

About the Author links you to all the best resources and websites that have the html related news and information available. Really, seems to be the gateway to the world of HTML.

HTML Tutorials and Articles:

  • HTML Codes and Basics
    Some HTML basics and codes. Not an extensive tutorial, but this will get you started.
  • HTML Codes 2 - HTML Tutorial
    HTML is a relatively simple language, in some places it is almost completely readable and understandable but that doesn't stop people from having problems with it. Why is that?
  • Using HTML in Website Design
    There are tremendous advantages to knowing HTML and you do not have to pay someone else to apply it.
  • Learning HTML, Should You Bother?
    Most WYSIWYG programs don't give you absolute, total control over webpage design (ie, exactly the way you want the page to look). There are design limitations.
  • The Many Flavors of HTML
    Every website out there is written in some kind of HTML. Because of the rapid evolution of the web...
  • Optimize Your HTML Code
    Optimizing your HTML documents is a must for professional webmasters, and it has many potential benefits. With a little effort and know-how, you can clean up your HTML files and reap the benefits today.
  • MySpace HTML Help
    The need to change the look of their generic MySpace pages is a strong drive in many people.


  • HTML Lessons and Tutorials - aka: How to put up a website. This site has 21 free tutorials designed to get you up and running and building web pages. They say that their tutorials are also good for more advanced webmasters.

  • W3schools has a complete tutorial and you can even take a quiz!

  • Writing HTML -- A Great HTML Tutorial - This'll have you making your volcano page in no time. It's an old site, but should be able to get you writing HTML code quickly.

  • Html Pit Stop -- lots of HTML Tutorials - Also DHTML and CSS. Plenty of ads to wade through, but the info looks solid. Check it out.

  • How Do They Do That With HTML? - This one is an old page, but still has some solid HTML stuff. The author covers related topics as well.

  • Quad's Ultimate Html Site -- many Html related Tutorials (including frames, style sheets, etc.) Also covered are layout, design, browsers, and a pile of other stuff. It's an old site, but much of the info is still good.

HTML & Javascript Books on Amazon:

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