Commercial development strategies ZDNet- 2 hours ago The right order for almost any code product these days is to do the generic version first, compile and test that under an open source environment like Linux ... 'Microsoft Finally Earns Passing Grade (Barely) for WGA' OS News all 3 news articles
Red Hat buys Qumranet - Gets KVM and SolidICE - InfoWorld
Red Hat buys Qumranet - Gets KVM and SolidICE InfoWorld,CA- Sep 6, 2008 Qumranet is the inventor and key maintainer of KVM, the only virtualization technology that is fully incorporated into the Linux kernel. ... Red Hat Acquires Virtualization Pioneer For $107 Million InformationWeek Red Hat buys Qumranet, adds gasoline to the spreading VDI bonfire ZDNet Red Hat moves into virtual desktops Register- Computerworld all 133 news articles
C-DAC signs MoU with NIC to employ BOSS Linux for e-Governance ... - VARIndia (press release)
C-DAC signs MoU with NIC to employ BOSS Linux for e-Governance ... VARIndia (press release),India- 2 hours ago The scope of this strategic alliance between C-DAC and NIC is to implement the latest 3.0 version of BOSS Linux, developed by NRCFOSS, ...
Vista vs XP vs Linux - my three- month test -
Vista vs XP vs Linux - my three- month test,Australia- 1 hour ago Sam Varghese over at has sent a few cats amongst the pigeons with a post asking the question "Is Windows Vista really driving people to Linux? ...
OLPC's dual boot Linux, Windows laptop due out soon -
Boston Globe
OLPC's dual boot Linux, Windows laptop due out soon,MA- Sep 4, 2008 By Dan Nystedt , IDG News Service , 09/04/2008 A low-cost XO laptop from the One Laptop Per Child Project (OLPC) that carries both Windows and Linux will be ... OLPC's Amazon Notebook Linux Only Internet News XP & Linux OLPC laptop coming this month PC Advisor One Laptop Per Child Give-One/Get-One Deal to Returns Wired News InformationWeek- Boston Globe all 69 news articles
Dell Previews $349 Linux-Based Inspiron Mini 9 Netbook Sci-Tech Today- Sep 4, 2008 The base model runs Ubuntu Linux with a 1.6-GHz Intel Atom processor and 512MB of SDRAM. Dell's Inspiron Mini fits into the netbook category, which is still ... It's Official: Dell Enters ... Dell mini-notebook offers Linux for a premium TG Daily Do you want a notebook with that order? Computerworld Electronista- InformationWeek all 246 news articles
LXer Weekly Roundup for 07-Sept-2008 - LXer (press release)
PR Web (press release)
LXer Weekly Roundup for 07-Sept-2008 LXer (press release),TX- 7 hours ago Obviously, the same technique will not work for Linux, but it is important to get students interested in Linux. Open Source Etiquette: I follow a lot of ... Video: Tech Test: Google Chrome Lacks Polish AssociatedPress Why should you care about Google's Chrome? Will Windows survive Chrome too? (press release) PC Advisor- Gartner all 350 news articles
5 reasons to upgrade from Windows Vista to Linux - iTWire
5 reasons to upgrade from Windows Vista to Linux iTWire,Australia- 19 hours ago You don't have to live with it; here are five reasons why Linux makes a better choice for your computer. One of the many differences between a computer and ... The main problem with Windows Vista CNET News Mainstream media writes Windows obit ZDNet HP to do it right by doing it itself? BusinessWeek all 11 news articles
How-To: Install Ubuntu Linux With No Optical Drive -
How-To: Install Ubuntu Linux With No Optical Drive,Italy- 11 hours ago Sick of burning CDs of Linux distributions every time you want to try out a new one? Don't worry, you can reuse your USB stick as many times as you like and ...
Google Unveils Chrome Source Code and Linux port -
Google Unveils Chrome Source Code and Linux port,Italy- 11 hours ago Detailed build instructions are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The Linux port is still in early stages of development and is not yet fully ...