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 Unix Tools


About UnixTools.com

UnixTools.com was created by Vennerable Consulting as a service to help people with Unix problems. Vennerable have been working on Unix machines since 1980.

UnixTools.com contains articles and useful links to various Unix sites that have been found helpful during consulting contracts either to help train staff or to solve system problems. We hope you will find these links useful as well.

Vennerable Consulting no longer maintains this site. I have taken over the care and feeding of UnixTools.com and hope to keep it as a useful resource for people needing Unix related information, but I am not a Unix expert and don't pretend to be.
Greg Mee, El Cerrito, CA

If you have a suggestion or would like to set up reciprocal links then let us know: We offer free reciprocal links to Unix-related sites.

UnixTools details

  • Hosted by Web Wizards


  • Thanks to google.com and amazon.com for their affiliate programs.

  • WebWork is all done with XsitePro on a (gasp!) Windows XP platform! Yeah, I know..., but City of Heroes doesn't run under Linux. :)

Enjoy the site and thanks for visiting
Greg Mee