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Cool and useful Unix & Linux Sites, for any flavor of Either.

  1. Large Linux distributions
    Extensive lists and links to all of the Linux & BSD distributions.

  2. About.com's Focus on Linux

  3. The Smorgasbord
    Over 13,000 pages and growing daily! Technology supersite with articles and posts on open source software, drupal, ubuntu linux, geeky tech stuff, xbox mods and hacks, search optimization info, and crazy flavor of the day distractions!

  4. Linux keyboard shortcuts you should know about

  5. Free Tech Books
    This site lists free online computer science and engineering books and lecture notes, all of which are freely and legally available over the Internet. Topics include programming, loginc, operating systems, math, unix, linux, scripting languages, and more.

  6. Linux Softare, Reviews, News
    The latest Linux downloads & info

  7. All bow down before the Great and Mighty Penguin

  8. Tips for New Ubuntu Users
    Here's a list of tips that might save you some time while you're getting used to Ubuntu

  9. Top 100 security tools
    a list of security tools as recomended by 3200 responses. A great variety of tools for a variety of systems.